The drivers use these domain aliases as starting points from which to assess rules, environment variables, and agent binaries to instantiate for connections. This domain alias must match a valid domain alias in the Single-Tier openlink.ini file or Multi-Tier oplrqb.ini file. Passes the full path to the ODBC client driver. This title must match the title passed under the heading. The following table explains the parameters that appear in the data source specification sections. Shared, single-threaded Sybase Single-Tier driver Static, single-threaded Sybase Single-Tier driver Shared, single-threaded MS SQLServer Single-Tier driver Static, single-threaded MS SQLServer Single-Tier driver Shared, single-threaded PostgreSQL Single-Tier driver Static, single-threaded PostgreSQL Single-Tier driver Shared, multi-threaded PostgreSQL Single-Tier driver Static, multi-threaded PostgreSQL Single-Tier driver Shared, single-threaded Oracle 8.1.x Single-Tier driver Static, single-threaded Oracle 8.1.x Single-Tier driver

Older, Multi-Tier ODBC driver library files are linked to the latest revision Shared, single-threaded MySQL Single-Tier driver Static, single-threaded MySQL Single-Tier driver

Older, iODBC driver manager libraries are linked to the latest revision Click here to see a complete list of OpenLink libraries by platform. Each of these files appears in the /lib sub-directory of the OpenLink client installation. The following table holds a list of common Darwin libraries.